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Life story
June 21, 1969
On this day Mrs. Linda Avery was given a gift from God.....Lloyd Avery Jr. Lloyd wasn't just a star he was and is a child of God, regardless of whatever road blocks came his way. He loved his family very much and was a loving person himself. Regardless of what he went through at the of the day he was a child of God. He did what many of us of are suppose to do and that was spread the word of God. Absent of the body in the presence of the Lord. Lloyd isn't gone, he's still here with us all, watching over his friends and family. He made a big impact on the lives of many, bringing them to Christ. He made that change and that is all that matters, heaven is a beautiful place, being in Gods presence. Lloyd deserves happiness. God Bless His Beautiful Soul and his Family.
June 21, 1969
Born on June 21, 1969.
September 4, 2005
Passed away on September 4, 2005.
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